I am excited to introduce a new segment I like to call Things Things Would Say To Each Other! Let's get into it.
Today's topic: Animals
Bear to Bee:
"If you sting me, Ima fuckin' eat your house."
Figure 1: Bear about to eat a house
Deer to another Deer:
"Faster! Faster, Bambi! Don't look back! Keep running! Keep running!"
Figure 2: The hunter's point of view. BAM!
Giraffe to Titmouse:
Figure 3: Giraffe asking the question, "Really?"
Rabbit to Deer:
"'Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat.' I made that last part up myself."
"'Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat.' I made that last part up myself."
Figure 4: That line sounds so much creepier with this picture attached.
Fox to Titmouse:
"No, seriously, really?"
Figure 5: Fox trying to understand where the name comes from by looking at it from different angles.
Sperm Whale to Blue Whale:
"Cheer up buddy, at least you aren't shaped like a refrigerator box."
"Cheer up buddy, at least you aren't shaped like a refrigerator box."
Figure 6: Sperm whale in its natural habitat. The ocean.
Yet Another Random Animal to Titmouse:
"You don't look anything like I expected...or hoped for."
Figure 7: Titmouse not looking like what I dreamed about last night.
Cat to Dog:
Figure 8: Cat speaking in its native tongue.
Bear to Human:
"If you sting me, Ima fuckin' eat your house."
Figure 9: Bear about to eat YOUR house. Watch out, dick.
that was one of monie trans funir posts. good job ol' buddy.