Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear ferd, This Bitch is Official Killed...or not?!?!

In honor of our long lost brother ferd I have created this masterpiece. I don't believe there has ever been a more appropriate homage to his work.

Nuni on Tour!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nuni's Big Day

There have been some crazy rumors that bang ban has been quickly going down hill. Well I have a response to that. A very strong response indeed...NUNI'S BIG DAY!

The best parts are the horrified expressions whilst she flies through the air.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fantasy Baseball

I have decided that since ferd is away fantasy baseball is now a topic which should be posted about constantly. However, I am willing to put this to a vote. Leave a comment whether or not you want me to create a new post in which I list off all of the players that are currently killing my team. I guess we usually have pictures up in here so I suppose the following will entertain you. I wouldn't want to diminish the integrity of bang ban.

Woman eating submarine sandwich

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sprinkle the Flour.

Friday, June 12, 2009


ferd is away. That means it's time for introspective thoughts and somber moments amongst friends. In other words...PARTY!

Friends Partying on Boat

on a boat.

(Arnold voice) I need a vacation!!

Would this blog exist without google image search: clip art? Probably not!

(Arnold voice) I'll Be Back
(Not Arnold voice) in two weeks to delete everything posted in my absence

Monday, June 8, 2009

Apology Accepted...Hopefully!

After being severely reprimanded, I would like to offer a political and completely forced apology. My recent actions in which I labeled bang ban as being not “just about silly nonsense” was wholly inaccurate and had the negative effect of tarnishing the brand. I meant no harm by posting pretty images without irrational or absurd commentary immediately preceding or following it. I hope that you will allow me to continue to post without all the constant hate mail and threats.

My sincerest apologies,
The Money Train

Now Enjoy a goat.

Portrait of a Nubian Goat

Friday, June 5, 2009


In a previous post, it was stated that "we aren't just about silly nonsense." This is incorrect. Bang-ban apologizes for the error. The writer involved will be banned from using a computer once I figure out what his greatest weakness is.

Fig. 1: Eat your vegetables, except for the gross ones.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little Art for a Little You

Here at bang ban we aren't just about silly nonsense. Here's some purty photography for you. I took this a few weeks ago in Natick. You can probably click on it or something to see a giant version of it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Movie Reviews by a Person who has seen the Poster



In this delightful 3D DIGITAL romp by Pixar, an cyborg house designed by the military becomes sentient and begins a wanton path of destruction through the country. When traditional means of destroying the house fail, it is up to a fat Chinese kid and Martin Sheen to stop it. Along the way they meet a dog and some clouds, and the Chinese kid teaches everyone about the importance of regular exercise.

Grade: A+

Star Trek

Star Trek, the classic franchise, is reborn in this breathtaking special-effects laden extravaganza. Three alien frat brothers have been chosen by the Galactic Counsel to save Vegatron-5 from a hostile takeover by beautiful, swarthy fem-aliens. Crispen Glover, who plays the Space-Elf of the trio, spends all of his on-screen time staring directly into the camera. The movie culminates in a 70's-style dance off, which somehow ends up saving the world from the sexiest invasion ever.

Grade: A+


Paul Blart: Mall Cop

In one of the most poignant pieces of film making in recent memory, Paul Blart follows the story of a recently laid-off security guard who has trouble readjusting to his unfortunate circumstances. Throughout his journey of emotional turmoil and self discovery, he explores not only the specifics of his own condition, but much broader themes of post-modern alienation and intra-societal class struggles. Kevin James provides a brilliant, nuanced performance, highlighted by a scene in which he propels his Segway using only his farts.

Grade: A+