Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prime Time is Rhyme Time

Thanks to the invention of blogs and music theory, rhyming has become an intrinsic part of modern life. Whether you are attempting to woo a local shop girl, or attending a spirited sporting event, you will inevitably encounter a situation in which rhyming is not only appropriate, but expected. Here are some of the most common rhyming errors that you must avoid in order to be accepted by your peers as equal.

One potato, two potato, three potato, four. Five potato, six potato, seven potato more.

Markov's Potato Theorem states that only 7 potatoes can exist in a location at a given time, making the "more" absurd and vulgar.

Figure 1: A doctored photograph

April power brings May flowers.

Should be "showers", not "power". April is by far the least powerful month.

Figure 2: Totally Gay

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The average person needs to be fooled three times before feeling shame. Also, does not rhyme.

Figure 3: Shameful behavior

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