Dear Internet User,
Regardless of how you got here, or how many times you've been here, you are all probably wondering this: how is it that Bang-Ban is so popular while my e-website languishes in some dark corner of the blogotruck? What is their secret? Why do computers no longer beep when they're upset?
In the spirit of open knowledge, I've decided to start the Secrets of Bang-Ban Series to help answer these AND OTHER questions. You will get an inside look into the behind-the-scenes secret-backdoor-password-protected-clandestine-invisible-woman part of Bang-Ban and your brain will probably get much bigger or something.
Part 1 is about Search Engines.
Here is the list of keywords that have led people to Bang-Ban. Let us analyze it together.
Note: This is real and very secret so be careful when discussing this in public or in private.
1. I have no idea.
2., 3. For some reason we are the only website still talking about Dan Duquette.
4. Birds and shit
5. Some one was looking for real information and was cruelly misled
6. Self-explanatory
11., 12., 13., 17. People don't know how to operate their browser
7., 9., 10., 14. Porn related. This is no accident.
16. Fucking awesome
18., 20. I forget
19. I don't get it
The end. You're welcome.
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