Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bang Ban's Super Bang Bang Halloween Party!

Join us on October 31st, 2009 at 8PM for bang ban's Super Bang Bang Halloween Party! We are very excited for the thirteenth annual bang ban halloween party, which will be held in the old giant warehouse down the street due to the massive demand in previous years. We are going to deck out the place and have hired the worlds foremost goat impersonators as well as the worlds foremost human impersonators. The human impersonators are themselves goats.

As in previous years this party ends when the last person leaves. The music will keep pumping and the dancing will keep getting sweatier until the warehouse is cleared out. Free food will be available and everyone is entitled to one free drink.

We have hired Moby to lay down some badass beats for THE ENTIRE TIME! He cost a buttload, but you have come to expect a certain level of quality from the bang ban Super Bang Bang Halloween Party.

Also, remember to bring a towel because there are going to be bubble machines throughout the warehouse and multiple mud wrestling pits. Feel free to wash yourself off in the coed showers afterwards.

We have purchased a high definition project which will throw up a 200 foot picture on the wall. What will we be watching? A preview of the splinternet.

So come on down and check it out. You ain't never been to a party like this. And remember, you won't be allowed in without a goat costume.

little goat

Goat or man? They are very good.

UPDATE - 12/2/2009: Due to a technical error this invite was not sent out until today. We at Bang Ban regret this mistake. Thorsberg, ferd and I had a good time even if we were the only non goat impersonating humans there (including Moby).

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