Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preview of the Splinternet

In order to free ourselves from the king of the internet we here at bang ban are currently working on developing the next vehicle for social media…the splinternet! This is for those among us who enjoy freedom and awesome shit. Is that you? Or is that me? Or is that us? Or is that some sort of group of the previous questions? I love freedom and thus you will all be able to get a sneak peek into what lies ahead for you and your mama and everybody on this world.

Key features of the splinternet:

  1. Face recognition technology. A webcam will be needed on every monitor for those that will be using the splinternet. This is so our patented technology can determine exactly who is masturbating and when. This information will be compiled and used to the advantage of its creators. There will be many graphs and charts created with names and pictures of people in the middle of the act so mothers, co-workers and creepjobs can always know that you are defiling your body.
  2. Super Twitter. At the bottom of your monitor will be a bar showing everyone’s tweets from everyone’s account at once. If there is more than one person at a time using Twitter then each tweet will be shown on top of each other. Each tweet is updated every 0.5 seconds. Super Twitter = Super Social.
  3. More random pictures. Sure you think the internet has increased our ability to see random fucking shit we never thought we would ever see when we were young lads and ladies. On the splinternet you will not need a keyboard because we will control what you need to see. This will include seemingly random pictures of the following:
    a. War
    b. Sex
    c. Animals
    d. Mythical Creatures
    e. Harps
    f. Harpoons
    g. Ducks with Harpoons in them
    h. Infinity
    i. Double Jumps
    j. Great Apes
    k. Phegstars
  4. Ultra Twitter. To use the splinternet you will need special speakers to handle Ultra Twitter. These are seemingly normal speakers except you are unable to adjust the volume levels. Also, volume levels are always set at as high as the speaker can handle. When you are on the splinternet Ultra Twitter is always active. Ultra Twitter reads every tweet that is created out loud sending them through the specially made splinternet speakers to your ears. Ultra Twitter = Ultra Social.
  5. Sports. At the top of the screen will be a bar that will take up the top half of the screen. This is called your Sports Properload Bar. In this space you will watch every sporting event that is currently on any form of media that is currently being watched by anyone in the world. Each event gets smaller on your screen as more events are taking place. This is great for those of you who are into fantasy Lithuanian pig fighting.

So that’s about it. Our lives are about to get way more social. If you want to see this happen send us $2 or something. You can reach us at the following address: bang ban, Main St., United States of America, Earth

Woman sitting at desk by crumpled papers on floor

This is what we believe a young woman enjoying the splinternet would look like.

Businessman sitting at laptop by screwed up paper, head on hand

This is what we believe a young man enjoying the splinternet would look like.

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