Thursday, November 4, 2010

Every new beginning...

The theme of this week is unfinished ideas. I often come up with movie ideas or the first couple pages of short stories, but get distracted and never fully finish them or even get them started. For some reason it seems that I get enamored with some idea or thought and yet I lose interest quickly. This means I have a lot of partial projects and very few finished ones. There are song lyrics and no music, music without lyrics, movies that will never be filmed (like Ninja L), stories that will never be finished and so on. For the most part, I like the ideas I come up with. It just is more fun coming up with the idea than actually executing it. So, I have decided to dig through my archives and bring out some of the good ideas and, to counteract that, some of the horrible ones. We started off with Ninja L. I now give you the first and only two paragraphs from the story, The Fairview Incident. I probably wrote this when I was depressed at college, because it was going to be a dark mystery. It's also pretty clear that I never revisited it. In case you didn't know Fairview was a small town.

The Fairview Incident

It’s been raining now for the past five days. The 10-Day forecast calls for more rain. Puddles have accumulated throughout the town and the rivers are at the highest levels they have been in 80 years. To most the nonstop rain elicits the memories of stories heard long ago of Noah and his Ark, the story of God washing away the face of the earth with water. If you ask me though, rain like this reminds me of a small town called Fairview.

Fairview was a small town in western Massachusetts. The town was split in two by the Pentuckett River. One day, in 1945, the river rose more than 7 feet. The town was flooded, the livestock drowned. Everyone in the town was killed by the flood and its destructive path. The rain purged the town in a matter of a day, yet neighboring towns felt not a drop of precipitation upon them. So today the forecast calls for heavy rain and I close my eyes and think of the Fairview Incident.

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